Senior Mania Presents 21 Amazing Gadgets That Will Make Your Life Instantly Better. These Insanely Cool Products Will Make You Wonder How Have You Lived Without Them All These Years.

With new products and services coming out every day, it’s no wonder you probably haven’t heard about some of these. We decided to put together a list of 21 different products – many of which were started with crowdfunding. You can get them as gifts for your loved ones! You can click the links in the article if you want to learn more about them or buy them. There’s a product for everyone in this list, we especially like #16 because it’s a technological marvel that can save your life in more ways than one. We hope you enjoy Our list!.

#1. XY Find It – The Gift of Finding Things

Ever felt like you need a little extra help to find something? Well…

Let’s face it, as our people get older, they seem to misplace things more often. But when you attach this coin-size tracking device to an item and lose the item, you have a 20,000-times chance of getting it back. The accompanying app enlists the network of 20,000 XY Find It users to locate your lost bag, bike or dog. You can also track your lost wallet (or whatever) yourself. The XY Find It app displays how far you are from your keys or purse you dropped, and it will sound the alarm to help you pinpoint its exact location. If you realize you left your bag in another location, all other XY Find It users in the network are notified, and when one passes your missing article, you’ll get an update sent to your phone. What if you can’t find your phone? Use XY Find It to ring it, even if it’s on silent mode, and you’ll find your phone fast. XY Find It helps you keep your stuff…especially if you’re a chronic (keys/wallet/bike/car/bag) misplacer.

Learn More About XY Find It »

#2. Dodow – The Gift of a Good Nights Sleep

Dodow helps you sleep faster and feel well-rested in the morning.

This device was just released in 2018 and is called Dodow. It’s completely disrupting the billion dollar sleeping pill industry worldwide. Instead of taking harmful and toxic pills to try and fall asleep (that often have you feeling groggy the next morning), millions of people are now turning to Dodow. Not only can it help you fall asleep in 20 minutes or less, but it also improves the actual quality of your sleep so that you wake up completely refreshed and ready to start the day!

Learn More About Dodow »

#3. Fixd — The Gift of A Working Car

Fixd helps you diagnose your car problems in seconds.

Have you ever gone to an auto repair shop for an oil change, only to have the mechanic say you need a new transmission? Or has the mysterious “check engine” light come on, and next thing you know the mechanic has a list of expensive engine parts that need replacing? Unfortunately, mechanics know taking advantage of people is easy, given their lack of knowledge about car maintenance needs. But there’s a new device you can attach to your car that tells you exactly what’s wrong with it. If you own a car built after 1996 then you can use this brilliant new device called Fixd to instantly diagnose any car problems. This means the next time your “Check Engine Light” happens to come on, you’ll know exactly what the issue is and the mechanics won’t be able to lie to you! This product has done over $50,000,000 worldwide in the past year, so it definitely qualifies for our gift list.

Click Here To Learn More About Fixd »

#4. Peeps — The Gift of Cleaner Glasses

Meet peeps. Keep your glasses cleaner for longer periods of time.

This is a hot product that is picking up steam fast and is quickly going viral among people who own glasses. The Peeps eyeglass cleaner is designed specifically for cleaning eyeglasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses. Peeps uses a unique invisible carbon cleaning compound to safely and easily clean your glasses from oily fingerprint smudges to dust and facial oils. The Peeps glasses cleaner is the safest and most tested lens cleaning technology in the world. In fact, the technology is literally out of this world – being the only cleaners on the Space Station used for lens cleaning by NASA. It’s easy to use, compact and never expires! Their technology will clean your lenses 500 times! The perfect size eye wear cleaner to take with you – it measures approximately 4x1x1 inches and is available in 7 different colors. They are now shipping worldwide.

Click Here To Learn More About Peeps »

Read The Full Senior Mania Favorite Product List And Marvel At These Insanely Cool Products!